Invada Playlists #13: Edith Bowman

Our next guest is radio DJ, presenter and podcaster Edith Bowman.

Edith is well known for her various work across BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 6 Music and Virgin Radio, as well as a long list of TV work which includes coverage of many of the UK’s festivals and as a host on Top of The Pops.

Edith is also a massive supporter of the soundtrack world, and her incredible ‘Soundtracking Podcast' is nearing almost 200 episodes, with guests including some of the biggest names in soundtracking today. She recently hosted an episode with Redg and Geoff (Invada owners), and her other recent guests include Warren Ellis, Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein and many more!

Edith is a long time friend of Invada and we're really grateful to have her do an episode for us!

Photo by Holly McGlynn (@hollymcglynnphotographer)

Some words from Edith below:

I was so excited to put this playlist together and almost had to ban myself from continually adding to it. What’s been interesting is how every day I’ve felt different and needed a different type of music or sound or emotion from what I’m listening to. That’s why it’s a pretty scatty list. Since launching the Soundtracking podcast, it’s been a huge privilege to explore peoples brains on creating such wonderful pieces of music and how they have been used in film and tv. I’ve learnt so much and look forward to that being the case for many years to come. In this unknown and at times boring situation we find ourselves in, music has been a major companion and almost therapist to help drag my ass out of many dark times. There are songs in here that are my ‘go-to’s’ for various reasons, there are songs like that are specific sonic pictures of people that i miss, some of whom have been dead a long time, like Al Jolson, a favourite of my late grandad, that we played at his funeral. Or Lay Down Sally, one of my dads optimum karaoke numbers. I’ve not seen him since Xmas and singing this with him is one of the first things I want to do when we get out of this hell. Then there are things like Down On The Corner, which makes us all dance round the kitchen in complete happiness. This lockdown nonsense has meant that I can’t predict what mood I’m going to be in from one day to the next, I’ve got to just take it as it comes. But be grateful for everyone and everything in life, particularly for the simple pleasure of being able to listen to anykind of music at anytime. Without that I’m not sure, well of anything really. Thanks Redg and Geoff for asking me to do this, what you do is bloody amazing and your support has been so amazing, Ben and I are eternally grateful ...

Thanks a million, hope it’s ok


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